Article 1. Definitions
In these general terms and conditions the following definitions apply:
• client: the natural person or legal entity who can be regarded as a contractual counterparty in the context of the performance of work by the contractor;
• contractor: Dunlop Creations;
• work: all work that has been ordered or that is carried out by the contractor for the benefit of the client on another basis;
• documents: all movable property made available by the client to the contractor, including documents or data carriers, as well as all movable property produced by the contractor in the context of the execution of the assignment, including documents or data carriers.

Article 2. Scope
2.1 These general terms and conditions apply to all agreements entered into by the contractor within the context of the execution of the work, as well as to the execution of work as referred to in Article 4, and to all assignments accepted by the contractor within this context. all this subject to changes in these conditions, which must be expressly confirmed in writing by the contractor.
2.2 The applicability of any purchasing or other conditions of the client is expressly rejected.

Article 3. Execution of assignment
3.1 The Client is obliged to make available to the Contractor in a timely manner, in the desired form and in the desired manner, all information and documents that the Contractor, in his opinion, requires for the correct execution of the assigned assignment.
3.2 The contractor has the right to suspend the execution of the assignment until the client has fulfilled the obligation referred to in the previous paragraph, without prejudice to the contractor’s right to terminate the assignment agreement either in court or through an appropriate procedure. extrajudicial declaration, all this without the client being entitled to compensation, however called.
3.3 The contractor is obliged to carry out the assignment in accordance with generally accepted professional rules; The contractor is entitled to use personnel or third parties, unless the assignment shows that execution must be carried out by a specific person, named or unnamed.

Article 4. Incidental assignment
4.1 If, during the execution of the assignment, work has been carried out for the client’s profession or business that is not covered by an agreement or an order confirmation, the suspicion is derived from the relevant notes in the contractor’s administration that this work was carried out in incidental assignment from the client has been carried out.

Article 5. Products for personal use only
5.1 The client is expressly prohibited from using products of the mind that have been used by the contractor in the context of the work performed or that have been made available to the client by the contractor, including computer programs, system designs, working methods, advice, (model) contracts and other to reproduce, disclose or exploit intellectual products, with or without the involvement of third parties.

Article 6. Indemnities
6.1 The Client indemnifies the Contractor against claims from third parties relating to intellectual property rights to materials or data provided by the Client, which are used in the execution of the agreement.
6.2 If the client provides information carriers, electronic files or software to the contractor, the client guarantees that the information carriers, electronic files or software are free of viruses and defects.

Article 7. Suspension of obligations
7.1 If the contractor cannot fulfill its obligations under the agreement, or cannot do so on time or properly, as a result of a cause not attributable to it, including, but not limited to, stagnation in the regular course of events within its company, those obligations will be suspended until the moment that the contractor is still able to fulfill this in the agreed manner.

Article 8. Fee
8.1 The fee will be determined on the basis of actual hours spent. The fee is calculated according to the usual hourly rates of the contractor, applicable for the period in which the work is performed, unless a different rate has been agreed. The contractor’s fee is exclusive of sales tax.
8.2 The contractor issues invoices to the client for charging the fee. The invoice is sent to the client electronically. Sending an invoice electronically means sending or making the invoice available to the client via electronic equipment for processing. Digital compression using wires, radio, optical means (information carriers) or other electromagnetic means is also included in the concept of “electronic sending of an invoice”. If the client pays the invoice without comment, he is deemed to have accepted the electronic sending of the invoice.

Article 9. Payment terms
9.1 Payment of the invoice amount by the client must be made within 8 days after the invoice date, in Euros, at the offices of the contractor or by means of payment into a bank account to be designated by the contractor and, insofar as the payment relates to work, without any right to discount or debt settlement.
9.2 If the client has not paid within the aforementioned period, or within the period further agreed between the contractor and the client, the client is legally in default and the contractor has the right, without further notice or notice of default, to charge the client from the due date. to charge statutory interest until the date of full payment, without prejudice to the contractor’s further rights.
9.3 All costs incurred as a result of judicial or extrajudicial collection of the claim will be borne by the client.
9.4 In the event of a joint assignment, clients, including the client, insofar as the work has been carried out for the benefit of the joint clients, are jointly and severally liable for payment of the invoice amount.
9.5 In the event of liquidation, bankruptcy, attachment or suspension of payment of the client, the contractor’s claims on the client are immediately due and payable.
9.6 The contractor has the right to have payments made by the client firstly deducted from the costs, then from the interest and finally from the principal amount. The contractor may, without being in default, refuse an offer of payment if the client designates a different order for the allocation. The contractor may refuse full repayment of the principal amount if the interest and costs are not also paid.

Artikel 10. Reclamatie/aansprakelijkheid 
10.1 Indien opdrachtnemer aansprakelijk mocht zijn, dan is deze aansprakelijkheid beperkt tot hetgeen in deze algemene voorwaarden is geregeld.
10.2 Een reclame met betrekking tot de verrichtte werkzaamheden en/of het factuurbedrag dient schriftelijk binnen 21 dagen na de verzenddatum van de stukken of informatie waarover opdrachtgever reclameert, dan wel binnen 21 dagen na de ontdekking van het gebrek indien opdrachtgever aantoont dat hij het gebrek redelijkerwijs niet eerder kon ontdekken, aan opdrachtnemer te worden kenbaar gemaakt. Een reclame schort de betalingsverplichting van opdrachtgever niet op.
10.3 Opdrachtnemer heeft te allen tijde het recht, indien en voorzover mogelijk, de schade van opdrachtgever te beperken of ongedaan te maken.
10.4 Opdrachtnemer is niet aansprakelijk voor beschadiging, diefstal of teniet gaan van bescheiden van opdrachtgever tijdens vervoer of tijdens verzending per post of e-mail, ongeacht of het vervoer of de verzending geschiedt door of namens opdrachtgever, opdrachtnemer of derden.
10.5 Opdrachtnemer is niet aansprakelijk voor beschadiging, diefstal of teniet gaan van bescheiden van opdrachtgever in geval zich bij opdrachtnemer een brand, diefstal of natuurramp voordoet, waardoor de beschadiging optreedt, bescheiden teniet gaan of bescheiden zijn vervreemd.
10.6 Opdrachtgever vrijwaart opdrachtnemer tegen alle aanspraken van derden welke direct of indirect, middellijk of onmiddellijk met de uitvoering van de werkzaamheden samenhangen.
10.7 Onverminderd de hierna nog volgende beperking van de aansprakelijkheid kan, in afwijking van de artikelen 7:404 (indien de opdracht is verleend met het oog op een persoon die met de opdrachtnemer of in zijn dienst een beroep of een bedrijf uitoefent, is die persoon gehouden de werkzaamheden, nodig voor de uitvoering van de opdracht, zelf te verrichten, behoudens voor zover uit de opdracht voortvloeit dat hij deze onder zijn verantwoordelijkheid door anderen mag laten uitvoeren; alles onverminderd de aansprakelijkheid van de opdrachtnemer) en 7:407 lid 2 (indien twee of meer personen tezamen een opdracht hebben ontvangen, is ieder van hen voor het geheel aansprakelijk ter zake van een tekortkoming in de nakoming, tenzij de tekortkoming niet aan hem kan worden toegerekend) van het Burgerlijk Wetboek, de uitvoerende medewerker persoonlijk, noch de medewerker waaraan werkzaamheden zijn overgedragen (mede) aansprakelijk worden gesteld voor enige tekortkoming in de uitvoering van de werkzaamheden door opdrachtnemer.
10.8 Opdrachtnemer is niet aansprakelijk voor schade, van welke aard ook, doordat opdrachtnemer is uitgegaan van door opdrachtgever verstrekte onjuiste en / of onvolledige gegevens.
10.9 Opdrachtgever vrijwaart opdrachtnemer voor alle door opdrachtgever geleden en nog te lijden schade betreffende een door opdrachtnemer jegens opdrachtgever gedane melding in het kader van de Wet ter voorkoming van witwassen en financieren van terrorisme (WWFT). Opdrachtnemer wordt hiervoor niet aansprakelijk gesteld.
10.10 Iedere aansprakelijkheid van opdrachtnemer jegens opdrachtgever, waaronder organen van opdrachtgever zijnde rechtspersoon, is uitdrukkelijk beperkt tot het bedrag dat in het desbetreffende geval door opdrachtnemer voor dat gedeelte van de opdracht waarop de aansprakelijkheid betrekking heeft aan opdrachtgever is gefactureerd. De aansprakelijkheid is hierbij te allen tijde beperkt tot maximaal het bedrag van de door de assuradeur van opdrachtnemer in het voorkomende geval te verstrekken uitkering. Opdrachtnemer is nimmer aansprakelijk voor indirecte schade, daaronder begrepen gevolgschade, gederfde winst, gemiste besparingen en schade door bedrijfsstagnatie.
10.11 Indien en voor zover het vorige lid om welke reden dan ook onverbindend c.q. nietig wordt verklaard, is iedere aansprakelijkheid beperkt tot een bedrag van Euro 10.000,-.
10.12 Indien opdrachtnemer betreffende opdrachtgever van de Belastingdienst een fiscale boete krijgt opgelegd, dan is opdrachtgever per direct het bedrag van deze boete verschuldigd aan opdrachtnemer. Artikel 9.2. tot en met 9.6. is hierop eveneens van toepassing.
10.13 Als opdrachtgever voorafgaande aan betaling van de factuur geen commentaar levert over de algemene voorwaarden van opdrachtnemer, dan wordt opdrachtgever geacht akkoord te gaan met de algemene voorwaarden van opdrachtnemer voor verrichtte dienstverlening alsmede voor toekomstige dienstverlening door opdrachtnemer.

Artikel 11. Geheimhouding 
11.1 Opdrachtnemer zal zoveel als mogelijk geheimhouding betrachten van informatie over opdrachtgever.
11.2 De geheimhoudingsverplichting voor opdrachtnemer geldt niet voor zover opdrachtnemer optreedt in een civiele, bestuursrechtelijke, straf- of tuchtprocedure.

Artikel 12. Beëindiging overeenkomst
12.1 Opdrachtgever kan de overeenkomst te allen tijde schriftelijk beëindigen. Alsdan behoudt opdrachtnemer zijn recht op honorarium voor verrichtte werkzaamheden en vergoeding van gemaakte kosten, welke niet in dit honorarium zijn begrepen.
12.2 Opdrachtnemer kan te allen tijde de opdracht beëindigen zonder opgaaf van redenen. Opdrachtnemer is in dat geval geen vergoeding van kosten en schade verschuldigd aan opdrachtgever.

Artikel 13. Opschorting nakoming verplichtingen 
13.1 Opdrachtnemer is bevoegd om de nakoming van al zijn verplichtingen op te schorten, waaronder begrepen de afgifte van bescheiden of andere zaken aan opdrachtgever of derden, tot op het moment dat alle opeisbare vorderingen op opdrachtgever door deze volledig zijn voldaan.

Article 14. Authorization to electronically send tax returns
14.1 Until further notice, the Client declares that it will give the Contractor permission and authority to electronically sign and electronically send tax returns on behalf of the Client, if this results from the Contractor’s services for the Client.
14.2 The Client declares that it is aware that even if a tax return has been signed and sent electronically by the Contractor, the resulting assessments are automatically and fully attributed to the Client and must be paid by the Client or accrue to him as if the return had been submitted personally. was signed and sent electronically by the client.
14.3 The Client cannot indemnify the Contractor for this or seek recourse from the Contractor for the consequences of a tax assessment solely because the declaration was signed and sent electronically by the Contractor. The foregoing does not affect the mutual legal position of the client and the contractor.
14.4 Termination of the authorization must be done in writing by the client. A cancellation of the authorization does not affect this authorization for tax returns that were signed and sent electronically before the contractor was able to take note of the cancellation.
14.5 The contractor will inform the client about the contents of the declaration, which has been signed and sent electronically by the contractor on behalf of the client.

Article 15. Force majeure
15.1 In addition to the provisions of the Civil Code, a shortcoming of the contractor in the fulfillment of any obligation towards the other party cannot be attributed to the contractor, in the event of a circumstance independent of the will of the contractor, which prevents the fulfillment of its obligations towards the other party is prevented in whole or in part or as a result of which the fulfillment of its obligations cannot reasonably be expected of the contractor.
15.2 These circumstances include in any case: epidemics, pandemics, failure to perform by suppliers or other third parties, computer viruses, weather conditions, natural disasters, terrorism, cybercrime, disruption of digital infrastructure, fire, power failure, loss, theft or loss of tools , materials or information, road blocks, strikes or work stoppages, import or trade restrictions and/or other government measures that prevent the contractor from completing its assignment.
15.3 If a situation as referred to in this article occurs as a result of which the contractor cannot meet its obligations, these obligations will be suspended as long as the contractor cannot meet its obligations. As soon as the force majeure situation comes to an end, the contractor will fulfill its obligations as soon as its planning allows it.
15.4 If the situation referred to in the previous sentence has lasted thirty calendar days, both parties have the right to dissolve the agreement in whole or in part in writing, with the understanding that to the extent that the agreement has been partially executed, the client only has the right to dissolve the agreement. for that part of the obligations that have not yet been fulfilled. In that case, the contractor is not obliged to compensate any damage, even if the contractor enjoys any benefit as a result of the force majeure situation.

Article 16. Final provisions
16.1 The headings in these general terms and conditions only serve to improve readability and do not form part of these terms and conditions.
16.2 Spanish law applies to every agreement between the contractor and the client.
16.3 If one or more provisions in these general terms and conditions are void or annulled, the other provisions of these general terms and conditions will remain fully applicable. The contractor and client will then enter into consultations in order to agree on new provisions to replace the void or annulled provisions, whereby, if and as much as possible, the purpose and scope of the original provisions will be taken into account.